February 7, 2025
Joe Hanrahan is in the cast of The Black Rep's COCONUT CAKE, opening Friday Feb 7.
February 4, 2025, 2024
For the St. Louis Theatre Critics Circle Awards, Midnight was nominated for 2 awards -
Best Comedy Ensemble and Best Director for SPIRITS TO ENFORCE.
And Joe Hanrahan is being given a Lifetime Achievement Award, as is Ron Himes
of The Black Rep.
Here's a complete list of Nominees
August 24, 2024 from Sarah Fenske's STLdaily column
When the Midnight Company first debuted its tribute to Linda Ronstadt, Just One Look,
it was supposed to play for three nights. That was almost a year and a half ago, and
the two-person musical hasn’t stopped playing since. Like the premiere and most of its run,
tonight’s show is at Blue Strawberry, though the play also made a successful stop at City Winery.
While there are still some tickets available, Midnight Company artistic director Joe Hanrahan
expects tonight to sell out like all the others. A big reason for the show’s success is surely
Hanrahan’s co-star, the luminous Kelly Howe, who embodies Ronstadt in both looks and voice.
But writer-director Hanrahan knows that it takes more than one great singer (or even a great
songbook) to sell a show. He credits the nostalgia factor, with an older audience that remembers
Ronstadt’s heyday. “Many people have seen it several times,” he says. “Word of mouth has been
our biggest sales tool.”
Can’t make it tonight? Hanrahan says they’ll be back at Blue Strawberry on October 30.
August 22, 2024 from St. Louis Magazine's AList 2024
Each Wednesday, Blue Strawberry opens its doors to composers, instrumentalists, and vocalists
for an open jazz jam hosted by saxophonist Kendrick Smith. It would be worth visiting just to enjoy
a cocktail and Smith’s musical stylings, but the rotating cast of characters who hop on stage make
each iteration feel fresh and special. Keep an eye on the calendar for an opportunity for some
added fun: A night that starts with one of The Midnight Company’s cabaret shows and ends with
jazz is a special treat.
August 20, 2024
Blake Eckard's films, BUBBA MOON FACE and EVEN COYOTES KILL FOR FUN will
drop today in a boxed set of DVDs, entitled INTENSELY INDEPENDENT.
Midnight's Joe Hanrahan is in the cast of BUBBA MOON FACE.
Link to the trailer
August 20, 2024
Also available the same day will be the DVD of Doveed Linder's Sci-Fi movie, THE BOX.
Hanrahan was also in that film, along with (pictured) David Wassilak and Larry Dell.
June 24, 2024
Joe Hanrahan was in the cast of the ZOOM presentation of Hope Weiner's
STOP F***KING MY DOG for New York's Rogue Theatre Festival.
March 25, 2024
At the 2024 Theatre Circle Awards, Lavonne Byers won as Outstanding Lead Actress/Drama
for her role in Midnight’s THE LION WINTER. Nominated were John Wolbers as Outstanding
Supporting Actor, Liz Henning for Costume Design, and the cast for Outstanding Ensemble.
February 2, 2024
Theatre Ciricle Award nominations included several for Midnight’s THE LION IN WINTER.
Link to the article
January 31, 2024
Lynn Venhaus chose her “Lotties,” outstanding theatre work for 2023. Midnight’s THE YEARS
and THE LION IN WINTER received several mentions, and Joe Hanrahan was chosen
by Lynn as “Artist of the Year.”
Link to the article
January 10, 2024
Midnight featured in Ladue News article on Cabaret.
Link to the article
January 5, 2024
Broadway World showcased upcoming Midnight shows
Link to the article
January 1, 2024
Midnight was mentioned in Tina Farmer’s RFT wrap-up of 2023 theatre.
Link to the article
December 28, 2023
Sarah Holt posted about directing for Midnight in 2023:
"In 2023, I got to direct two fantastic groups of people in two very different shows.
For most of my career, I've directed newer works, so it was a welcome challenge to stage
The Mousetrap for Kirkwood Theatre Guild in March. Discovering so much current relevancy
and underlying emotional truth alongside the classic mystery and historical references of this
masterpiece was made all the better by a cast, artistic staff and crew who were all in on exploring
with me.The Guild is the first place my love for theatre was ignited, and it's always a treat to go
back home, as it were.
In August, I shifted to as new as a work can get with the previously unproduced Cynthia, Linda,
Patti, and Maureen (and Yoko) as The Midnight Company's entry in the St. Louis Public Radio
Theatre Showcase. Bringing together this collection of actors from various projects and seeing
them become a company to offer a glimpse into the story behind the Beatles was an honor and
a joy. The Showcase is always a rewarding experience, filled with so much love for the art of
One of my favorite things about theatre as an art practice is getting to greet each new project as
an opportunity to refresh existing relationships as well as making new friends.
Here's to many more chances!"
December 18, 2023
JUST ONE LOOK picked 3rd Best 2023 St. Louis
show by Broadway World
Link to the article
September 27, 2023
Kelly Howe in Midnight's JUST ONE LOOK cited in RFT BEST OF
Link to the article
June 7, 2023
The Midnight Company and Arbor Group production PATIENT #47
will be screened at the 2023 St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase with
Chrissie Watkins as Grace and Joe Hanrahan as Mr. D. Directed by
Mike Sneden. Based on the play by Hanrahan. First performed at
the 2019 St. Louis Theatre Crawl, with Colleen Backer as Grace,
and then again at the 2022 TRUE Community Theatre Shorts Festival,
with Alia Arif as Grace, directed by David Wassilak.
January 15, 2023
Midnight's RODNEY'S WIFE nominated for five Theatre Circle Awards.
Rachel TIbbetts (Best Supporting Actress) and Bess Moynihan (set) won.
Link to the article
January 10, 2023
Midnight's RODNEY'S WIFE was recognized in almost all categories
by Lynn Venhaus Lotties Awards.
Link to the article
December 20, 2022
JUST ONE LOOK tagged as most anticipated theatre event of 2023 by
Broadway World.
Link to the article
December 17, 2022
Broadway World chooses two Midnight shows among Best Of The Year!
Link to the article
Anomalous Experience
St Louis Woman
September 22, 2022
Joe Hanrahan was interviewed by Mark Bretz for a Ladue News State of St. Louis Theatre
Link to the article
September 9, 2022
LAKA and Joe Hanrahan discuss ST. LOUIS WOMAN
on Dustin Digg's DAILY DIRT
Link to the podcast
July 30, 2022
Joe Hanrahan's play PATIENT #47 will surface once more, as one
of the short play featured in the long-awaited TRUE Community
Theatre Shorts Festival, November 4 & 5, at a venue to be announced.
David Wassilak, one of Midnight's co-founders, will direct.
July 25, 2022
A new play by Joe Hanrahan, LAST CALL, will be featured at the
St Louis Public Radio Theatre Showcase.The Showcase will be
September 16 - 17,and Midnight will be performing one of those
nights. The cast will include Tom Kopp and Hanrahan, and
Sarah Holt will direct.
July 18, 2022
Tickets for ST. LOUIS WOMAN went on sale today at MetroTix.com
(and another reason to celebrate - July 18 is LAKA's Birthday!)
July 13, 2022
Joe Hanrahan did a small role in the short film, ASSUMPTION,
written by Joe's son, Peter, directed by Alfredo de Villa.
The cast also featured St. Louisian Donna Weinsting, and former
St. Louis folks (now L.A.) Cammie Middleton and Brian Keith.
July 11, 2022
LAKA and Joe Hanrahan of ST. LOUIS WOMAN, and Ron Himes
of The Black Rep guested on Hank Thompson's podcast:
Link to the podcast
July 2 - 3, 2022
Joe Hanrahan performed the virtual monologue
HOW TO CURE CANCER by Hope Weiner, which was part of the
New York City's 2022 Rogue Theater Festival.
February 26, 2022
Joe Hanrahan's short play, PATIENT #47, was filmed,
with Joe Hanrahan and Chrissie Watkins in the cast.
Mike Sneden of The Arbor Group directed.
March 22, 2022
Midnight Win St. Louis Theatre Circle Awards
for 2021/22.
Link to the article
February 2, 2022
The Midnight Company received 14 nominations
in the St. Louis Theatre Critics Circle Awards
for 2021/22.
Link to the article
January 20, 2022
CARDINALS...BOND, JAMES BOND was chosen as one of the top ten
St. Louis productions from 2020/21
Link to the article
January 15, 2022
The Midnight Company wlll celebrate their 25th Anniversary Season
in 2022.
August 31, 2021
The venue for Midnight's December production of TINSEL TOWN
has been changed from Avatar Studios to the .ZACK.
August 1, 2021
The Midnight Company will be part of the St. Louis Public Radio
Theatre Showcase, August 27-28 at the outdoor Public Media
Commons (on Olive just west of Grand Avenue.)
Ten companies will offer half-hour presentations each night,
starting at 7pm. Midnight will finish up the event with their show
on Saturday, August 28, at 9pm.
May 1, 2021
The Midnight Company will be part of the St. Louis Fringe Festival,
and will be offering a new work TBA at that time.
January 8, 2021
The St. Louis Writers Group presented a live ZOOM reading of a play
by Midnight’s Joe Hanrahan - SOON WE’LL BE AWAY FROM HERE in early January.
in London, 1970. British Intelligence Service MI5 has learned of
an imminent arms deal in which the Irish Republican Army will be
acquiring a cache of bombs. And MI5 is certain the IRA will use
the bombs in London, immediately, to devastating effect. So, with
the good fortune of a convenient passionate love affair gone astray,
they set up a “honey trap” - the only way they believe they can delay
the sale and still keep their confidential informants safe and in place.
The cast iincluded Ryan Lawson-Maeske, David Wassilak,
Michelle Hand, Shane Signorino and David H. Hawley.
Here’s a link to watch the show.
December 14, 2020
Joe Hanrahan appeared in another Hope Weiner script -
WOODY ALLEN IN A ROW BOAT - a Live ZOOM production
which played New York’s Very Normal Festival in December.
Very Normal is an online comedy festival featuring four days
worth of very normal bits, characters, standup, sketch, variety
acts, music, improv, and more.
December 10, 2020, 2020
Here’s a link to an interview with COCKROACH OF BROADWAY
playwright Hope Weiner. Midnight’s Joe Hanrahan appeared
in a ZOOM production of that show for New York’s Rogue Theater
Festival in December.
Link to the article
October 23, 2020, 2020
Joe Hanrahan was interviewed by Calvin Wilson for the Post-Dispatch.
Link to the article
October 12, 2020, 2020
Joe Hanrahan was interviewed by Sarah Fenske on KWMU
Link to the article
October 2, 2020, 2020
This Kranzberg Arts Foundation blog told the story of how
the production of SEX, DRUGS, ROCK & ROLL came to pass.
Link to the article
October 1, 2020
Joe Hanrahan will portray Harvey Weinstein and Alan Dershowitz
in Hope Weiner's play THE COCKROACH OF BROADWAY,
which will stream in December as part of New York's
Rogue Theater Company's Playwright Festival.
August 14, 2020
Midnight was forced to cancel their planned production of
"GIVE 'EM HELL HARRY" scheduled for September at the .ZACK.
August 7, 2020
Midnight's Joe Hanrahan was quoted in this Post article
on creating digital theatre during the pandemic.
Link to the article
July 22, 2020
Joe Hanrahan's play PATIENT #47, originally presented at
the St. Louis Theatre Crawl in 2019, was selected by the new
TRUE Community Theatre to play in their short play festival,
now rescheduled to Spring, 2021.
July 15, 2020
The Post-Dispatch's GO magazine published their GO List of
St. Louis favorites. Midnight's Joe Hanrahan was selected as
St. Louis' 2nd favorite playwright (3rd actually, there was a tie for first.)
Link to the list
July 10, 2020
Lynn Venhaus' production of DAD EAT DOG, with Midnight's Joe Hanrahan in the cast, played at the St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase.
May 28, 2020
Joe Hanrahan will participate in a reading from Metro Theatre
which will be part of this May 31 local effort by 15 different
organizations to support the Arts.
Link to the online event
May 21, 2020
SHAKE TV, the online performance extension of Shakespeare
Festival St. Louis, presented COME TOGETHER, a ZOOM play
written by Joe Hanrahan. Directed by Adam Flores, the play
features Kate Puglisi, Courtney Bailey Parker, Jenni Ryan,
Charlie Barron, Ryan Lawson-Maeske and Britteny Henry.
Link to the video
May 9, 2020
Joe Hanrahan acted in an original ZOOM play, a SEINFELD:
QUARANTINE EPISODE, written by Michael Long and
directed by Shane Signorino, featuring a bevy of St. Louis
acting talent. Joe played Frank, George Constanza's father.
Feb 25, 2020
Midnight will once again participate in the Theatre Crawl
with a new, short play by Joe Hanrahan. The play is LAST CALL,
and it will be performed by Shane Signorino and Christopher Ware,
directed by Joe and Assistant Directed by Linda Menard.
This year the Crawl will be June 12 and 14, in the Grand Center area.
Feb 20, 2020
Midnight’s Joe Hanrahan will appear in SATE’s APHRA BEHN FESTIVAL, March 6-8.
Joe will appear in one of four short scenes presenting Behn’s play,
Feb 14, 2019
The St. Louis Theater Critics Circle announced their nominations for Best Theatre, 2020.
Midnight was honored with nominations for Best Play (A MODEL FOR MATISSE),
Best Actress in a Drama (Rachel Hanks for A MODEL FOR MATISSE),
and Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy (Shane Signorino for POPCORN FALLS)
Link to full article
Feb 12, 2020
Reviews for Metro Theater’s GHOST.
Joe Hanrahan played two different roles in the
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Louis American
Two On The Aisle
Ladue News
Review Video
Feb 10, 2020
Lynn Venhaus posted her Best of St. Louis Theatre for 2019,
mentioning Midnight in several categories:
Best New Play for A MODEL FOR MATISSE,
Best Couples, both Shane Signorino and Joe Hanrahan in POPCORN FALLS and
Rachel Hanks and Joe Hanrahan in A MODEL FOR MATISSE,
Joe Hanrahan Best Actor in a Comedy for CHARLIE JOHNSON READS ALL OF PROUST,
Shane Signorino for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy for POPCORN FALLS,
and Rachel Hanks for Best Supporting Actress (though she was obviously a lead)
Link to full article
Jan 20, 2020
Judy Newmark posted her Best of St. Louis Theatre for 2019,
mentioning Shane Signorino and Joe Hanrahan in Midnight’s
POPCORN FALLS as Best Comedy Couple.
Link to full article
Jan 15, 2020
Ladue News posted their Best of St. Louis Theatre, 2019.
were mentioned as productions of merit.
Link to full article
November 16, 2019
Joe Hanrahan will be in the staged reading or Mariah Richardson's
SUFFER THE CHILDREN as part of The Shakespeare Festival's
Confluence New Play Reading Festival.
November 10, 2019
The Midnight Company is now an official Resident Company of
The Kranzberg Arts Foundation. Midnight shows will be playing
at Kranzberg theatres in
2020 and beyond!
October 2, 2019
Midnight's Joe Hanrahan played Danforth
in Stray Dog's THE CRUCIBLE.
RFT Best Drama 2019
September 29, 2019
Joe Hanrahan had a supporting role in the film DAD EAT DOG,
based on a screenplay by Tim Venhaus. His mother, Lynn,
a St. Louis Limelight critic, and friends produced the film
in honor of Tim, who died of an accidental overdose last year.
Local actors Spencer Sickman, Shane Signorino and Colleen
Backer also appeared the film.
August 16, 2019
Joe Hanrahan has a supporting role in PARALLEL CHORDS,
a coming of age feature film directed by Catherine Dudley-Rose.
It will play at the Arena Cine Lounge in Los Angeles, August 23-29.
August 15, 2019
Joe Hanrahan will portray poet T. S. Eliot in Lindsay Adams' new play,
ME AND MR. TOM, September 28 for the International T.S. Eliot Society.
The play concern the legendary meeting between mutual fans Eliot
and Groucho Marx.
August 12, 2019
Joe Hanrahan will appear in Metro Theatre's GHOST in February, 2020.
Running is all that Castle Crenshaw, a.k.a. Ghost, has ever known.
But Ghost runs for all the wrong reasons until he meets Coach who sees
something in him: crazy raw talent. Can Ghost can stay on track, literally
and figuratively, to harness his raw talent for speed on this elite track team,
or will his past finally catch up to him?
A National Book Award Finalist for Young People’s Literature.
Nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels
by PBS’s The Great American Read.
March 8, 2019
Reviews of Stray Dog's THE CRUCIBLE,
with Midnight's Joe Hanrahan as
Deputy Governor Danforth.
St Louis Post Dispatch
St Louis Eats and Drinks
Talkin' Broadway
Snoop's Theatre Thoughts
Riverfront Times
Judith Newmark
Ladue News
December 5, 2018
Reviews of SATE’s DOCTOR FAUSTUS production:
Riverfront Times
Ladue News
Snoop’s Theatre Thoughts
St Louis Eats
May 6, 2018
Joe Hanrahan's short play, TONIGHT'S SPECIAL, which premiered
at the 2017 Theatre Crawl, was chosen for the Theatre Lawrence
Short Play Festival in November. It will be part of the Lawrence,
Kansas' group "Live In The Lobby" series, which plays in a variety
of venues, and has featured work in the past by Steven Karam and
Stephen Dietz. The St. Louis Midnight production featured Emily
Leidenfrost and Joe Hanrahan in the cast, directed by Sarah Whitney.
Midnight will offer another Hanrahan play for this year's Theatre Crawl,
June 29 and 30 - AUDITION - about a Post-Modern Theatre Company
who is reluctant to audition an actress with a very unusual resume,
despite their aggressive diversity policy. Colleen Backer,
Jennelle Gilreath and Hanrahan will perform in the show.
April 30, 2018
Joe Hanrahan has been cast in the November production of
SATE'S DOCTOR FAUSTUS, a modern day retelling of the tale
by John Wolbers based on Kit Marlowe's play.
It will premiere on Halloween night and will run into November.
For more information, visit slightlyoff.org.
April 25, 2018
Limelight Magazine profiled Joe Hanrahan in their Take Ten series.
Here's a link to the article.
April 20, 2018
The Midnight Company will present a revival of two short
Mickle Maher plays, AN APOLOGY For The Course And Outcome
Of Certain Events Delivered By Doctor John FAUSTUS
On This His Final Evening, and THE HUNCHBACK VARIATIONS.
The plays, reuniting Midnight Co-Founders David Wassilak
and Joe Hanrahan will be presented September 20-29
at The Monocle in The Grove.
Here's a link a press release with more information about the show.
April 14, 2018
Joe Hanrahan was cast in the role of Judge Danforth in Arthur Miller's
THE CRUCIBLE, to be presented by Stray Dog Theatre in February, 2019.
For more information on Stray Dog, visit straydogtheatre.org
April 7, 2018
At the Theatre Mask Awards, Joe Hanrahan was named
Best Director/Drama for his work on Clayton Theatre's
Isaiah Di Lorenzo was also named Best Actor for his role
as Eddie in the Arthur Miller drama, staged in February, 2017.
January 24, 2018
Midnight received two nominations from the St. Louis Theatre Critics Circle.
Rachel Tibbetts was nominated as Best Actress/Comedy
for her role in LITTLE THING, BIG THING.
And Bess Moynihan was nominated for Best Lighting
for her design for TITLE AND DEED.
January 20, 2018
The Arts For Life Theatre Mask Awards honored Clayton Theatre’s
production of A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE with several nominations:
Outstanding Drama; Outstanding Large Ensemble;
Outstanding Director Drama - Midnight’s Joe Hanrahan;
Leading Actor Drama - Isaiah DiLorenzo;
Leading Actress Drama - Erin Struckhoff.
For more info artsforlife.org
January 5, 2018
Midnight's Sarah Whitney debuts Dan Noonan's BLUE OVER YOU
in Chicago this weekend, from the new Spot On Company
Sarah and Dan have started.
January 1, 2018
Joe Hanrahan was recognized for Best Solo Performance/Comedy
for Midnight's production of TITLE AND DEED
in the Post's Judy Awards from critic Judy Newmark.
December 26, 2017
Here are reviews for R-S Theatrics' THE FLICK,
directed by Joe Hanrahan.

Stage Door
Talking Broadway
St Louis Post-Dispatch
Ladue News
Snoops Theatre Thoughts
December 1, 2017
Here are reviews for Slightly Askew's OF MICE AND MEN,
with Joe Hanrahan in the cast.

Stage Door
St Louis Eats and Drinks
Talking Broadway
St Louis Post-Dispatch
Ladue News
Snoops Theatre Thoughts
December, 2017
Hanrahan to direct THE FLICK for R-S Theatrics.
For more information, visit r-stheatrics.com.
November, 2017
Hanrahan in the cast of Slightly Askew's OF MICE AND MEN.
For more information, visit slightlyoff.org.
April 7, 2017
Joe Hanrahan will directed Annie Baker's Pulitzer Prize-winning
THE FLICK for R-S Theatrics in December, 2017.
For more information, visit r-stheatrics.com.
February 23, 2017
A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE opens at Clayton Theatre,
directed by Joe Hanrahan.
February 16, 2017
The Arts For Life Theatre Mask nominations were announced, covering St. Louis community theatre in 2016.
Midnight's Joe Hanrahan was nominated as Best Director/Comedy for Theatre Guild of Webster Groves production, THE UNDERPANTS. THE UNDERPANTS was also nominated as Best Production/Comedy. Two actors in the cast were also nominated � Britteny Henry for Best Lead Actress/Comedy, and Jim Wamser for Best Supporting Actor/Comedy.
February 9, 2017
Joe Hanrahan will direct THE FLICK by Annie Baker, winner of the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, for R-S Theatrics, December, 2017.
January 27, 2017
The St. Louis Theatre Critics Circle nominations were announced, covering St. Louis professional theatre in 2016.
Midnight's Joe Hanrahan was nominated as Best Actor/Comedy for Midnight's production of THOMPAIN (based on nothing), as well as Best Director/Drama for Slightly Askew's CUDDLES. Rachel Tibbetts was also nominated as Best Actress/Drama for CUDDLES.
(And the entire LITTLE THING, BIG THING cast and crew enjoyed numerous nominations � Ellie Schwetye as Best Director/Comedy for AS YOU LIKE IT, Jason Scroggins for Best Ensemble for AS YOU LIKE IT and REMEMBER ME, JC Krajicek for Best Costumes for MACBETH, Will Bonifiglio for everything, and everybody as part of Best Ensembles and Productions. Made for a very glittery, well recognized group of theatre artists creating that show.)
November 15, 2016
Here are reviews from Slightly Askew's CUDDLES, directed by Joe Hanrahan
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Riverfront Times
KDHX Radio
Snoop's Theatre Thoughts
Stage Door
Ladue News
Talkin' Broadway
St. Louis Eats
November 8, 2016
Joe Hanrahan performed a supporting role as a charismatic high school theatre teacher in Catherine Dudley-Rose' feature, PARALLEL CHORDS.
August 2, 2016
Nicole Kidman has purchased the rights for a future film production of CUDDLES, the play that Joe Hanrahan will direct for Slightly Askew in November. Playwright Joseph Wilde will write the screenplay.
July 27th, 2016
Midnight has postponed its planned production of BROOM STICK, scheduled for October, 2016.
June 13, 2016
Midnight will be represented in the 2016 St. Louis Fringe Festival, with Joe performing PRODUCT by Mark Ravenhill. Performance dates/times are Friday, August 19, 7pm; Saturday, August 20, 9:30pm; Sunday, August 21, 8pm; and Saturday August 27, 2 and 8pm, at Kranzberg Arts Center.
Joe will also take part in the Fringe's Artist Salon, Sunday evening June 19.
For more info, and for ticket information, visit STLFringe.com.
May 28, 2016
Talkin Broadway
St. Louis Post Dispatch
May 9, 2016
Judy Newmark of The Post-Dispatch profiled Joe Hanrahan in her Snapshot column.
May 7, 2016
Joe Hanrahan will direct CUDDLES by Joseph Wilde, with a cast of Rachel Tibbetts and Ellie Schwetye, for Slightly Askew Theater Ensemble.
visit slightlyoff.org for details.
April, 2016
Feb. 5, 2016
Clayton Community Theatre has announced that Joe Hanrahan of Midnight will direct their March, 2017 production, Arthur Miller's A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE. Details in the link below:
January 29, 2016
Slightly Askew's ONE FLEA SPARE was nominated for four Louie (Best of St. Louis theatre) Awards: Best Play, Best Ensemble (Midnight's Joe Hanrahan was part of the nominated Ensemble), Best Director (Ellie Schwetye) and Best Lighting Design (Bess Moynihan.)
Below is a link with the entire list of nominations:
January 20, 2016
Joe Hanrahan of Midnight was mentioned twice in Lynn Venhaus' LOTTIES (Lynn's Love Of Theatre) awards in the Belleville News-Democrat.
Joe was named in the Best Actor-Comedy category for Midnight's HOUSE at The St. Louis Fringe Festival, and Best Actor-Drama for Slightly Askew's ONE FLEA SPARE. The below link is for the complete list of awards.
Jan 10, 2016

Joe will be directing Steve Martin's THE UNDERPANTS, a hilarious updated rewrite of Karl Sternheim's 1910 comedy, running March 4-13 at Webster Groves Theatre Guild. For more information, visit theatreguildwg.org.
Jan 7, 2016
Joe will be appearing in two short films, shooting in February:
HAUNTING OF 708, playing a caretaker for an abandoned office building, a keeper of horrific secrets and tales of brutal deaths.
HAPPY PLACE, portraying a scientist attempting to create an artificial human.
Jan 2, 2016
Joe and Midnight merited several mentions in The Ladue News wrapup of St. Louis Theatre in 2015.
September 7

Joe Hanrahan recently closed in an acclaimed run of Naomi Wallace's great play, ONE FLEA SPARE, from Slightly Askew Theatre Ensemble. Following are the reviews:
St Louis Post Dispatch
Ladue News
Snoop's Theatre Thoughts
St. Louis Theatre Snob
Belleville News Democrat
KDHX Radio
July 1, 2015
Two films Joe Hanrahan's acted in recently - Patrick Mahoney's CHASING HOPE and Tyler Bevirt's THE LAST JOB - will be screened at The St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase in July.
Visit cinemastlouis.org for more info.
April 20, 2015
Joe Hanrahan will play Hamlet's father's ghost and The Player King in R-S Theatrics HAMLET for SHAKE 38, Sunday, April 26 at 4pm.
For more information, visit sfstl.com/in-the-streets/shake-38/
January 14
Post Names Joe Hanrahan Best Solo Performance in a Comedy, 2014
Stages overflowed with brio in 2014
November 4
Joe Hanrahan will be in cast of Lorraine Hansberry's classic, A RAISIN IN THE SUN, for The Black Rep. Ed Smith, directing, opening Thanksgiving Weekend.
Details here: theblackrep.org
November 3
Joe Hanrahan's been cast in Slightly Askew Theatre Ensemble's ONE FLEA SPARE by Naomi Wallace, directed by Ellie Schwetye, opening in August, 2015.
Details here: slightlyoff.org
September 26, 2014
Joe Hanrahan was named in The Riverfront Time's Best of St. Louis 2014 as
Best Theater Surprise. It read:
With a performance history that stretches back decades, Joe Hanrahan is hardly a secret to St. Louis-area theatergoers. But unlike so many theatre companies, where audiences are accustomed to, you know, a theater with a stage and stuff, you never quite know what to expect when you walk into a Hanrahan production. Now producing under the Midnight Company's banner, Hanrahan has staged shows all over the city. He's performed edgy monologues at the Lemp Brewery. He's produced theater in coffeehouses and video production studios, on farms and in museums. Lately he's been mounting shows in repurposed churches, and their secular analogue, the tavern. No, you really never know what to expect from a Hanrahan production, expect, of course, that it will challenge and surprise you.
July 24, 2014
In one of those theatre coincidences you couldn't make up, Midnight Associate Director Sarah Whitney will be directing BUS STOP for St. Louis U this coming October. And yes, Joe Hanrahan is directing the same play for Webster Groves Theatre Guild in November. As Joe and Sarah agreed, if someone else decides to produce this play, Midnight may have to add another partner to direct it.
July 11, 2014
Joe was in the cast of JOSH & SHAWN, a new romantic drama-comedy by Paul Hibbard, playing The Chapel for one weekend.
Joe Hanrahan is portraying Alan, a crooked pharmacist, in a short, THE MEDICINE MAN, directed by Steve Cakouros, shooting in May. |
Sarah Whitney will direct HENRY VI Parts 1, 2 & 3, the rarely-seen War of The Roses trilogy for The St. Louis Shakespeare Company in February, 2015.
For more information, visit stlshakespeare.org.

Joe Hanrahan will direct BUS STOP by William Inge, a production in the 2014/2015 Webster Groves Theatre Guild season, in November, 2014. Webster Groves Theatre Guild is the oldest operating community theater west of the Mississippi, and during it's illustrious history produced early work from St. Louis-based Tennessee Williams as well as Inge.
For more information, visit theatreguildwg.org.

Joe Hanrahan will be one of ten actors and actresses in ACT YOUR PANTS OFF, a combination monologue competition/game show/strip poker event that will benefit The St. Louis Fringe Festival. It's on Monday, May 19th, 7pm, at Meyer's Grove in The Grove.
For more information, visit stlfringe.com.

Post article on attention to theatre details cites Solemn Mockeries

Joe Hanrahan will appear as Edgar, a Police Commissioner in Drew Lang's hard-boiled short MACHINEHEAD, shooting in February, and as Harrison, a ruthless corporate exec in James Westbrook's short-soon-to-be-a-feature, IN THE STREAM, shooting in March. |
RFT interview with Travis Hanrahan's band, Pink Sock. To hear some of Pink Sock's music or to purchase their album, visit pinksockbrewhound.bandcamp.com

http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/rftmusic/2014/02/pink_sock_is_not_a_positive_role_model.php |
Joe Hanrahan begins filming for Trevor Juenger's INSANE-O-VISION.

Joe Hanrahan, portraying a scientist running a government investigation into an alien invasion, has finished filming scenes in Doveed Linder's feature THE BOX.


Link to indiegogo fundraising effort for new film with Joe Hanrahan


Midnight's St. Nicholas was mentioned as a favorite in this article from retiring RFT critic Dennis Brown.


Open Hydrant Theatre Company, a new Bronx-based professional group, will present SOLDIER BOY, a short play written by Joe Hanrahan and originally produced by his St. Louis group, The Midnight Company. The play will be part of Open Hydrant's 2013 Short Play Festival, and will be one of ten plays, chosen from 300 entries, playing November 22 – 24.
SOLDIER BOY was presented by The Midnight Company in July, 2007, along with another of Hanrahan's short plays, THE LITTLE FRENCHY FILES. (The two were nominated for Best New Play in the now defunct Kevin Kline Awards.) SOLDIER BOY, a broad anti-war satire, featured actors Larry Dell, Travis Hanrahan, Ayse Eren, Steve Springmeyer and Marianne Laury.
Prior to starting Open Hydrant, co-founders Luis Cardenas and Sarah Rosenberg were featured in the award-winning documentary SHAKESPEARE HIGH, about the profound influence the Drama Teachers Association of Southern California have had on disadvantaged youth. Executive produced by Kevin Spacey, and featuring other DTASC alumnae including Val Kilmer, Mare Winningham and Richard Dreyfus, SHAKESPEARE HIGH was seen on the Showtime Network and is now available through Netflix instant viewing. More information is available on openhydrant.org or shakespearehigh.org.


Play Developed By Sarah Whitney Opens This Weekend In Chicago
SET UP, a new comedy about the ultimate blind date, will open this September 8, running through October 16 at Studio BE in Chicago, a presentation from Theatrebam Chicago. SET UP is written by Dan Noonan, and like many new plays, is the result of several years of development. Midnight's Associate Director Sarah Whitney worked with Dan on the different stages of SET UP, and continues to work with him on new scripts. For more information on SET UP, visit setupchicago.com. |

Joe Hanrahan (and Director/Playwright Bob Mitchell interviewed about
MONTANA at The St. Louis Fringe. Link below.
Two films featuring Joe Hanrahan have been accepted in the 2013 St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase. The horror short MARIAH directed by Julie Hale and Adam Zanzie's MARK TWAIN'S BAD BOY WITHOUT GRIEF (which Joe narrated) will be presented at The Tivoli Theatre July 14-18. For more information,
visit cinemastlouis.org.

Trav Hanrahan's band Pink Sock won the RFT Music Award for Best Hard Core Band. Read the results at the link below:

Travis Hanrahan, who's appeared in several Midnight shows, and his band, Pink Sock, are competing in the 2013 Riverfront Times Music Awards. Click on the link below for a description of the band and their music and a link to hear some of their work.

Joe Hanrahan appeared in Tesseract Theatre's workshop production of YOU WON'T SEE ME by Caitlin McCommis, portraying Mal Evans, The Beatles friend and Road Manager. This new play enjoyed intrigued audiences and lively post-show feedback sessions for the Playwright. For more information on this new theatre company, visit tesseracttheatre.org.
NEW! Link (below) to GATEWAY: City of Reason website

Midnight's Sarah Whitney is part of The Shakespeare Festival's SHAKE38. She's
Creative Director of Mark WIlson's St. Louis University design class, offering
a technical design presentation on HENRY VI, parts 1, 2 & 3, this Friday,
April 19, 5pm at Xavier Hall on the SLU campus.
Below is a link to all that's happening during SHAKE38.
Blake Eckard's acclaimed blue collar madness feature BUBBA MOON FACE. featuring Joe Hanrahan as the mad meth-addled patriarch, is now streaming on the Synapse Film Channel. Synapse has been giving Criterion-level restorations to Grindhouse-type cult and horror films. Here's the link to Synapse: CLICK HERE.
NEW! BUBBA MOONFACE is now available on Amazon Instant.
Julie Hale's short horror film, MARIAH, featuring Joe Hanrahan is nearing
completion. Here's a link to a Teaser: CLICK HERE.

Joe, playing a low-level crime boss, is now filming the short thriller THE LAST JOB
from Taylor Bevirt. And he's in the midst of shooting the Teaser Trailer for GATEWAY City of Reason, a proposed new series from Gene Pfeiffer, directed by Mike Sneden.

Joe Hanrahan is providing Mark Twain-style narration for Adam Zanzie's short film based on Twain's THE STORY OF A BAD LITTLE BOY WHO DIDN'T COME TO GRIEF.

In the first St. Louis Theater Circle awards (created by St. Louis critics to replace the defunct Kevin Kline Awards), Patrese McClain was honored with the Best Actress in Drama for The Black Rep's NO CHILD... directed by Joe Hanrahan. (She actually wound up in a tie for the award with Nancy Bell for The Rep's CLYBOURNE PARK.) |
Blake Eckard's acclaimed blue collar family drama BUBBA MOON FACE (featuring Joe Hanrahan) has been accepted into the Big Muddy Film Festival, at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. It's scheduled to screen on Saturday, January 24, at 3pm.
For more information, visit bigmuddyfilm.com
And Modern American Cinema has picked up BUBBA and two earlier Eckard films for theatrical engagements starting this Spring in the Midwest, to be followed by streaming and DVD releases as well.

St. Louis theatre critics have gotten together to proclaim their own awards for Best in St. Louis theatre, called "The Louies." Nominations for 2012 were just announced, (with an awards ceremony in March.) Nominated for Best Performance by an Actress in a Drama - Partrese D. McClain for the Joe Hanrahan-directed, Black Rep production
of NO CHILD... |
AND Judy Newmark handed out one of her coveted Post-Dispatch “Judys” to Patrese McClain for Best Actress, Drama. |

The Joe Hanrahan-directed NO CHILD... Black Rep production was mentioned in 2012 theatre year highlights. Actress Patrese McClain was noted as one of the best female performances of the year from St. Louis Broadway World.
And The Riverfront Times chose NO CHILD... as one of its 12 best productions from 2012. They said: Petite Patrese D. McClain was a whirling dervish in Nilaja Sun's one-person play about an inexperienced teacher's travails staging a theater production with a cast of student misfits. The Black Rep delivered an indelible evening of theatre alchemy under the watchful eye of director Joe Hanrahan.

St. Louis Mag covers Hanrahan in Herbie's GONG SHOW
CLICK HERE stllmag.com

Film Thriller, A VERY PERFECT CRIME, To Play Tivoli The Patrick Pinkston written and directed crime thriller, A VERY PERFECT CRIME (featuring Midnight's Joe Hanrahan) will play a one-night premiere engagement at The Tivoli, Thursday, October 25 at 7pm. Tickets are on sale.
RFT Names NO CHILD… “Best One-Person Show 2012” In their annual Best of St. Louis issue, The Riverfront Times named The Black Rep's production of NO CHILD…, featuring Patrese McClain, directed by Midnight's Joe Hanrahan, “Best One-Person Show. Perhaps the most curious thing about NO CHILD…, the astonishing one-person play by Nilaja Sun, is how conventional the plot is. How many times (STAND AND DELIVER, UP THE DOWN STAIRCASE, TO SIR, WITH LOVE) have we seen stories about dedicated teachers versus problem kids. NO CHILD… turns that genre on its head by having the whole cast – four teachers, eight students, a janitor and sundry bureaucrats – enacted by one person. In its inaugural production back in 2006 that person was Sun herself. At The Black Rep, the play was brought to enthralling life by Patrese D. McClain, an alchemist who makes magic happen before our eyes. How tall is McClain? How short? How heavy? How old? Anyone who saw the production, which was staged in March, 2012, would flunk a test made up of such questions. The stage with filled with the disenfranchised at Malcolm X High in the Bronx: we don't recall seeing an actress at all.
Blake Eckard's film BUBBA MOON FACE (featuring Midnight's Joe Hanrahan in the cast) has accepted into another festival - PollyGrind in Las Vegas. The link takes you the the official entries and more about the cult festival: PollyGrind.com
Joe Hanrahan is appearing in HotCity's world premiere of EM Lewis' play.
Here's the reviews:
September 7, 2012 |
The Riverfront Times, in their annual Fall Arts Guide, highlighted the remounting of NO CHILD..., and called it "...entertainment of the highest order. If you missed this love of a show last March at the Grandel Theatre, you have the opportunity to stop kicking yourself for that inexcusable lapse in judgment (or to go see it again, because surely there's too much to absorb in a single viewing."

BUBBA MOON FACE will be playing two prestigious film festivals in the near future. It is in competition in the Select Cuts category at the Minneapolis Underground Film Festival, and it can seen streaming online at [ CLICK HERE ] from August 17-19. And BUBBA will also be in competition at the South Texas Underground Film Festival, which runs September 21-27.
Joe Hanrahan has been cast in the short horror film, MARIAH, written and directed by Julie Hale, filming August, 2012
NO CHILD... by Nilaja Sun, which was directed by Joe Hanrahan for The Black Rep in March, will be revived for a special Fall presentation in two different venues. It will play the weekend of September 14 at the Orthwein Theatre at Mary Institute Country Day School. And will then run for the two weekends of September 21 and 28 at Edison Theatre at Washington University.
Midnight's Joe Hanrahan is in the cast of two short films playing The St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase. He's in THE LAST EXECUTION by Patrick Murray, part of the SHORTS 4: THRILLERS program, playing Tuesday, July 10, at 9:45 pm at The Tivoli. In THE LAST EXECUTION, a petty criminal is picked up by two men posing as police detectives and soon discovers how much danger he is in. He's also in THE PLAGUE from Christopher Jordan, part of the SHORTS 5: EXPERIMENTAL program, playing Wednesday, July 11, 5:00 pm at The Tivoli.
THE PLAGUE, inspired by Camus "The Plague," relates is the story of a doctor in a plague-ridden city who keeps the final records of a dying population. Travis Hanrahan, who's appeared in several Midnight shows is also in a featured role of a short playing the Showcase.
It's ONE DAKOTA by Evan Mueller, part of the SHORTS 7: Comedy program, playing Wednesday, July 11, 9:30 pm at The Tivoli. ONE DAKOTA tells the tale of an ambitious white kid who thinks he's Native American and his spaced-out buddy who set out to change the nation forever by attempting to reunite the Dakota Territory. For more information on the Showcase, visit cinemastlouis.org
Midnight's Joe Hanrahan will direct BOWLING EPIPHANY! THE REVIVAL for OnSite Theatre. Joe has acted (OVEREXPOSED, ONE EXTRAORDINARY DARKNESS)
and written (EXHIBIT) for OnSite, and will direct 3 short plays (one by Carter Lewis, two by Dan Rubin) that all involve bowling in one way or another, with a cast of Donna Weinsting, Antonio Rodriguez and Elizabeth Birkenmeier (who wrote ONE EXTRAORDINARY DARKNESS.) Coincidentally, Hanrahan went to grade school at Epiphany, and spent hours bowling and playing pin ball and generally goofing off at Epiphany Lanes, attached to the school. Audience members get bowling shoes with their ticket purchase and can bowl in between and after the plays. The show runs June 15 - June 30, and more information is available at onsitetheatre.org.
Christopher James Jordan' short THE PLAGUE, inspired by the Albert Camus novel, and featuring Midnight's Joe Hanrahan, won Best Experimental Film and Best Editing honors at a recent screening of Webster University student films.
Midnight will be part of the first St. Louis Fringe Festival - presenting ALL ears, 3 Cautionary Greek Myths Come To Life, Conceived and Adapted by Sarah Whitney. The production is designed for kids 6 – 12. The Festival will run June 21-25, primarily in the Locust Business District and Grand Center. Midnight's exact playing dates and venue are still being determined. For more information, visit stloufringe.com
Joe Hanrahan was cast in two upcoming feature films, AN ALMOST PERFECT CRIME from Pat Pinkston and a new work from Blake Eckard, both filming late Spring/Summer. He was also cast in the September stage production from Hot City – GOODBYE RUBY TUESDAY, a new play by EM Lewis. For more information, visit hotcitytheatre.org.
Joe Hanrahan's direction of NO CHILD… at The Black Rep was a hit (reviews below) featuring audiences that arrived breathless with anticipation and eager to reward Patrese McClain with standing, tumultuous ovations.

The Independent Critic CLICK HERE
Pulpmovies CLICK HERE
Film Threat CLICK HERE
Joe Hanrahan's Conor McPherson performances were mentioned in this review
of West End's THE SEAFARER.
Riverfront Times Theatre review of The Seafarer |
Midnight's Joe Hanrahan was involved in several productions mentioned in end-of-year Best Theatre in St. Louis 2011. In addition to getting a coveted “Judy” for Midnight’s own production of MISTAKES WERE MADE, Black Rep productions of RUINED and PERICLES that he acted in were singled out by numerous critics.
JUDY Award/ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH Critic Judy Newmark’s list included Joe as Best Solo Performance/Comedy for MISTAKES WERE MADE. (Although one has to wonder how one wins a solo performance award in a two-character play? Apologies and kudos to co-star Emily Piro.) Also mentioned as Most Ambitious Design of the year was the stagecraft of PERICLES. (And Denise Thimes was chosen Best Actress/Drama for her role in The Black Rep’s BLACK PEARL SINGS.)
RIVERFRONT TIMES Their critics, Paul Friswold and Dennis Brown, collaborated to choose their combined top ten productions of the year: both PERICLES and RUINED made the list.
TWO ON THE AISLE Bob Wilcox and Gerry Kowarsky chose their top eight shows of the year – RUINED was among them.
LADUE NEWS Mark Bretz groups about 25 shows as prominent productions (the list included RUINED) before picking a top ten (#2 on his list was The Black Rep’s THE REAL McCOY.)
BUBBA MOON FACE, a feature film with Midnight's Joe Hanrahan (as well as other local actors Joe Hammerstone and Sylvia Geiger) will play The St. Louis International Film Festival Saturday, November 12, 11am, at The Tivoli Theatre.The film was written and directed by Blake Eckhard.
This is a link to a St. Louis Magazine blog on BUBBA.
Dennis Grunes, of Portland, Ore.
Joe Hanrahan has joined the staff of The Black Rep as Marketing Director. Joe will continue to lead The Midnight Company, but with his Experience as former Marketing Director for The Rep early in his career, and ongoing marketing work for other companies and Midnight, he will be devoting a good portion of his time to spreading the word about this St. Louis cultural treasure. |
BUBBA MOON FACE, a film by Blake Eckhard, filmed in early 2010 in Stanberry, MO, and featuring Midnight's Joe Hanrahan, has been accepted into the 2011 St. Louis International Film Festival. |
OF THE AGES, a short student film by Webster's Michelle Manott, featuring Midnight's Joe Hanrahan and Marcy Wiegert, played at The St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase, and the film was honored as The Best Silent Film in the Showcase. |
The St. Louis Black Repertory Company has announced their 35th anniversary season, and Joe Hanrahan will be directing their 3rd Mainstage show — NO CHILD by Nilaja Sun. One actress portrays 16 characters — the children, teachers, parents, principal, janitor and even security guard that populate the New York City Public Schools. Described as“comic and moving,” “remarkable and delightfully entertaining,” And “theatrically riveting,” NO CHILD garnered numerous awards, including Obies, Lucille Lortels, Outer Critics Circle, Theatre World and U.S. Comedy Arts Festival. The actress will be Patrese McClain, who appeared with Joe in the Black Rep's Season 34 productions of PERICLES and RUINED. NO CHILD will run March 14 through April 1, 2012. For more information on next year's Black Rep season, visit theblackrep.org. |
Midnight's Joe Hanrahan finished a run of two productions at The Black Rep, Shakespeare's PERICLES in January, and the acclaimed RUINED in February.
For information on the rest of The Black Rep's season, visit theblackrep.org.
And hit this link for a round-up of RUINED – video, reviews, cast and more. And check our Blog section for more on the Black Rep and RUINED. |
Several of Midnight's favorite playwrights have featured work in New York and coming up in Chicago. There's still a week left for ST. NICHOLAS by Conor McPherson at the Irish Repertory Theatre in New York.(Midnight produced both ST. NICK and McPherson's THE GOOD THIEF.) Off-Broadway, Wil Eno's MIDDLETOWN has just opened to rave reviews. Inspired by OUR TOWN, critics have cited the same brilliant language and compassionate insights that Eno displayed in ThomPain (based on nothing) which Midnight presented. And coming up in April in Chicago from Theater Oobleck's Mickle Maher (author of THE HUNCHBACK VARIATIONS and AN APOLOGY For The Course And Outcome Of Certain Events Delivered By DOCTOR JOHN FAUSTUS On This His Final Evening, both Midnight hits) is THERE'S A HAPPINESS THAT MORNING IS. This one sounds like another intriguing Maher script: two lectures being delivered on a college campus, one by a struggling poet, one by a PHD, on, respectively, William Blake's Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, following a too public display of affection by the two lecturers the night before on the campus lawn. Check theateroobleck.com for details and to make plans to see this in Chicago.
The film EDEN IOWA featuring Joe Hanrahan in a supporting role will play the St. Louis International Film Festival Friday night, Nov. 19. For more about it and a trailer, visit the Film page on this website.
ROE, the short horror film directed by Christopher Jordan and featuring Midnight's Joe Hanrahan, has been accepted into the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival, running October 1-3 in Portland. Details and a trailer on Midnight's Film page.

Exhibit Film In St. Louis Fest
The film of EXHIBIT, Joe Hanrahan's play produced by OnSite Theatre in spring,
2009, has been accepted into competition in the St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase.
EXHIBIT will be screened Sunday night, July 18, 9:30 pm, at The Tivoli.
For more information about the Showcase, visit cinemastlouis.org.
Hanrahan wrote the screenplay EXHIBIT, and Mike Sneden directed. Margeau Steinau, Andy Neiman and Sarah Cannon star in the film. They comprised the original cast of the OnSite stage production, which was directed by Anna Pileggi.
Sarah Whitney, who has directed several of Midnight's Recent and most acclaimed productions, has been named Associate Director for the company.

The Midnight Company was associated with three different shows cited by Ladue News critic Mark Bretz in his Best of St. Louis Theater in 2009
Among the notable shows he cited:
OnSite THEATRE used the Craft Alliance Gallery as the backdrop for Joe Hanrahan's clever, piece, Exhibit, with Margeau Baue Steinau, Andrew Nieman and Sarah Cannon as artists, wannabe artists and perceived artists hanging about a gallery amidst audience members.
And Joe Hanrahan channeled former president Harry S. Truman in the triumphant one-man show, Give' Em Hell Harry for THE MIDNIGHT COMPANY.
and among the Top Ten for 2009 he cited:
One Extraordinary Darkness, presented by OnSite THEATRE. This enchanting work by Elizabeth Birkenmeier received its world premiere at the Green Center, a reputedly haunted house in University City that is the location for an arts and environment organization dedicated to "helping people understand the natural world." In a sense, that's what BIrkenmeier's four characters do in her whimsical effort, which featured engaging performances by Joe Hanrahan, Margeau Baue Steinau, Robert Birkenmeier and Adina Talve Goodman under Bill Whitaker's crisp and clever direction. An excellent example of OnSite Theatre's mission to present work in offbeat locales.

For Mark's complete column, visit laduenews.com.
Joe Hanrahan appeared in Onsite Theatre's production of
ONE EXTRAORDINARY DARKNESS by Elizabeth Birkenmeier.
click on this link for reviews,
or visit onsitetheatre.org. for more info.
St. Louis magazine's July issue pick their "A LIST" in a wide variety of areas. In their Culture section, in the category Theater Experience, they cited OnSite Theatre Company:
Theater folks are perennially concerned with "getting butts in seats." But what if the butts went bowling with the actors? Or took photos of the cast with disposable cameras? OnSite's debut production, 2007's BOWLING EPIPHANY, was staged in South City's Epiphany Lanes; its most recent show, EXHIBIT, took place inside the new Craft Alliance gallery during Jennifer Angus' "Locusts & Honey" exhibit. Nine out of 10 butts agree: In an increasingly distracting and interactive world, environmental theater is a must-try.
(Midnight's Joe Hanrahan wrote the script for OnSite's EXHIBIT, and appeared in their previous show (the one with the cameras).
For more info on OnSite, visit onsitetheatre.org.
For more from St. Louis magazine, visit stlmag.com.

OnSite Theatre Company will present Joe Hanrahan's new play, EXHIBIT, April 3-11, Fridays and Saturdays, with two shows nightly - 7 & 9 pm. at the new Craft Alliance Gallery space at 501 N. Grand, just south of the Fox. The play coincides with the Jennifer Angus exhibition, Locusts and Honey. The play will be directed by Anna Pileggi and the cast includes Sarah Cannon, Andrew Nieman and Margau Steinau.
For more information or to purchase tickets visit onsitetheatre.org. |
Congratulations to Onsite Theatre, whose OVEREXPOSED production was nominated for a Kevin Kline Award for Outstanding New Production. (Midnight's Joe Hanrahan was part of the cast for that show.) For a full list of nominees, visit kevinklineawards.org.
The Riverfront Times, instead of picking their best of the year, asked Artistic Directors of St. Louis theatres to point out the notable performances in their companies in '08. Go to the link below to read Midnight's (and other companies') nominations.

The Ladue News picked their notable theatre productions of '08. Midnight's THE GOOD THIEF was prominently mentioned (and was a contender for top ten.) Also note the mention of Sarah Whitney (GOOD THIEF and upcoming “GIVE ‘EM HELL HARRY” director) for her production of The Orange Girls' THE ROAD TO MECCA. Hit the link below for the article.
In Judy Newmark's Best of 08 (The coveted “Judys”), she mentioned Onsite Theatre's “OVEREXPOSED,” (which Midnight's Joe Hanrahan acted in) as Best Out-Of-The Box Production.
The filmed-in-St. Louis EDGAR ALLAN POE'S LIGEIA (with Joe Hanrahan in a featured role) now has a website and a trailer. To view it, visit ligeiamovie.com.

Midnight Selected for RFT “Best Of”
From the Sept 25 annual Riverfront Times “Best Of” issue
The Midnight Company
It's not that Joe Hanrahan is opposed to acting in the company of other people. But apparently he's happiest onstage alone, getting all his dialogue out of the way in one lump sum and saying everything he has to say in an hour rather than stretching it out in short speeches over two and a half. When what Hanrahan has to say is so cunningly written by an Irishman like Conor McPherson that the pursuit of a good yarn transforms storytelling into a brash art, you end up with a wallop-packing evening that is all more effective because of its lilting simplicity. And when, even after the play is done, there's still time for a pint or two before every other show in town is even close to being over, that's all part of the happy experience.
Photos from Midnight's 1999 production of WAITING FOR GODOT, with David
Wassilak as Vladimir and Joe Hanrahan as Estragon, will be featured in the
Catalogue Reader, published by Liverpool University, accompanying the
Liverpool Biennial International 08 Exhibition of Contemporary Art.
The photos were taken by Todd Davis, who has done most of the photos for the
THE BEST TEN MINUTE PLAYS 2007 FOR TWO ACTORS, including a play by Peter Hanrahan, son of Midnight co-founder Joe Hanrahan and actor in the Company's production of ORPHANS, has been published, and is available on Amazon and other usual places. The play, PRIZE INSIDE, was commissioned from and premiered a Mile Square Theatre (Chris O'Connor, Artistic Director) in Hoboken, N.J. in 2004 for their 2nd Annual “7th Inning Stretch: 7 10-minute plays about baseball,” and was directed by Michole Biancosino.
Peter graduated from Washington University, where he studied under Carter Lewis and was the recipient of the A.E. Hotchner Playwriting Award. He then received his MFA in playwriting from Rutgers University, studying under Lee Blessing. His work has also been seen at the Arena Stage in Washington, D.C., and at The Seven Devils Playwrights Conference in McCall, Idaho.
He currently works in the story department of United Talent Agency in Los Angeles.
For more information, visit www.smithkraus.com. |
Conor McPherson's new play, PORT AUTHORITY, will open in New York City in May at the Atlantic Theatre Company. For more information, visit atlantictheater.org and Chicago's Steppenwolf Theatre has announced that Conor McPherson's THE
SEAFARER, featuring John Mahoney, will be part of their 2008-2009 season. For more information, visit steppenwolf.org
The Midnight Company (under the producing banner of afterMIDNIGHT) was nominated for two Kevin Kline Awards for their production of SOLDIER BOY and THE LITTLE FRENCHY FILES. They were nominated in the categories of Best New Play or Musical, and Best Sound Design (by Mike Radentz, staff engineer at Technisonic Studios, where the show was presented.) For a complete list of awards, visit kevinklineawards.org.
In critic Mark Bretz' wrap-up of BEST OF THEATER IN 2007 for Ladue News, he listed afterMIDNIGHT's CUL-DE-Sac in his list of “the superior and spectacular” for the year. He said the show…“
…featured a tour de force performance by Joe Hanrahan as several different neighbors in a cloistered suburban setting, most deliciously a precocious little girl who
commented on the tawdry goings on around her…”
And in KDHX new Radio Roses salute to the theatre year, Bretz reiterated his praise: afterMIDNIGHT offered Joe Hanrahan in a tour-de-force performance portraying disparate neighbors in a CUL DE SAC.
Joe Hanrahan was one of many locals asked the question, “If you could change or improve on thing in St. Louis in 2008, what would it be and how would you accomplish it?” by the Riverfront Times, and his answer appeared in their January 3 issue. Here's Joe's response (but to read the entire list, which is a good thing to do since it deals with St. Louis theatre's home, St. Louis, visit this link ).
If I could improve one thing about St. Louis, I would improve its perception of the arts of St. Louis. St. Louis generously supports (and St. Louis media over-generously covers the arts IN St. Louis – visiting actors, artists, musicians, dancers, artistic heads, companies – swinging through town, selling their wares. St. Louis should continue that. But we have to improve our awareness, appreciation and support of the arts OF St. Louis – actors, artists, etc.– living and creating here. It's the soul of our community. How? 1) Media of all kinds have to devote much more thoughtful coverage to the arts OF St. Louis; and 2) The actors, artists, et cetera then have to deliver the goods.
In 2007, Joe Hanrahan appeared in one of the commercials for the 16th Annual
AT&T St. Louis International Film Festival.
You can see the spot here  |
For information on the 2008 Festival, visit www.cinemastlouis.org

afterMIDNIGHT's online trailer for ThomPain (based on nothing) was awarded a Silver Telly Award for achievement as one of the best online entertainment trailers of the year.
The trailer was created by Phoenix Creative Company, with post-production by New World, and original music by Matt Mauger of Phoenix Creative.
To view the trailer, go the Past Productions page and scroll down to ThomPain.
Click here for info on past awards for Midnight Company projects and people.
